Keep fit and raise money in Surbiton!

Apr '15
Mon 27th


St. Mark's Church Hall
Saint Mark's Hill

What: A 45 minute aerobics session to 1980s music to raise money for St Mark's Church.

When: Monday, 27 April

Where: St Mark's Hall, Surbiton

How much: Please donate what you can - all proceeds are going to St Mark's.

What do I wear: Legwarmers are completely optional. Just comfy trainers, trousers and top!

Do I need anything else?: Bring some water or a water bottle so you can keep hydrated. Plus, a warm top for afterwards.

Do I need to have done aerobics before: No! You are all welcome and there will be easy and harder options for everyone.

Time: 11.45 (I will be there from 11.30 and please arrive a little early as, (and here comes the legal bit) for insurance purposes, you will need to complete this form in order to take part ( - if you can, please do bring it ready completed - and a consent form.

April 27, 2015 - 11:30am