Parking in Surbiton for residents

13 years ago...


I am moving to surbiton in december and would like to know what the parking arrangements for residents are.

How much is a permit?
Where does it permit you to park in surbiton?
(The place we are moving to has double yellow lines out the front so will need to park 'nearby' - also have friends at the other end of surbition so it would be useful to know if we can drive to see them and the parking permit will still count if)

Any other nugguts of info you feel are useful with regards to parking?
- Parking damage danger spots etc.




£60 a year.

There are a number of different zones in and around .. your permit won't allow you to park in another zone (some are shared with neighbouring zones though).

Parking danger spots .. your bumpers. If you like your colour coded bumpers, then I wouldn't move anywhere within 50 miles of London.

Hi Steve,
Not knowing your circumstances, it's difficult to comment, but since you don't have off-street parking you should consider using the car club vehicles provided by StreetCar. They are in Claremont Road and Langley Road.


Also, Surbiton isn't that big so walking, cycling and taking the bus are preferable to taking a car for short journeys.

Fans of streetcars might like to know that the council and streetcar are providing more cars and car club parking spaces soon. It was agreed at the last Surbiton Neighbourhood meeting.

see maps here

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