Kingston University student jailed for 'smirking and laughing' while running over 'courageous' security guard

An uninsured student 'smirked and laughed' before ploughing his car into the 'courageous' Kingston University security guard trying to stop him fleeing the scene of a crash, a court heard.

Talal Al-Hindi, of Raeburn Avenue, Surbiton spent four days on the run after hitting 44-year-old Jason Butler in the university’s Penrhyn Road campus on July 10 last year.

The 20-year-old had borrowed a blue Ford Focus and was not insured to drive when he hit a Ford Ka in the university car park, Kingston Crown Court heard today. After trying to bribe the driver he hit with £70 and then giving a false name and number he tried to flee the car park before Mr Butler attempted to stop him. CCTV footage shows Al-Hindi reversing into Mr Butler before putting the car into first gear and driving toward the exit at speed, a judge was told. Mr Butler is seen hitting the windscreen and rolling off the side of the car. The Kingston University student then dumped the car in a nearby street.

Mr Butler added that he had sustained injuries to his knee, elbow and a five inch deep gash on his shoulder. He also said had he suffered from posttraumatic stress. Al-Hindi had previously admitted charges of aggravated bodily harm and dangerous driving but denied smiling and laughing as he ran over the security guard at a hearing on March 1, claiming he was in a “blind panic” when Mr Butler tried to stop him leaving the car park. The defence team elected to go to a ‘Newton hearing’ to decide the severity of the sentence.

Defence lawyer Laura Plant argued that Al-Hindi was under severe stress at the time because of family problems that had left him as the “man of the house” and suggested a “short, sharp shock” was needed. Al-Hindu, who was convicted of common assault and drug possession after the university crash, was sentenced to 18 months in a young offenders institute for ABH and dangerous driving. He was also ordered to pay Mr Butler £500 compensation.


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