Work to start on £3M Tolworth ‘Greenway’ scheme

A major £3 million scheme to create a greener, new-look Tolworth Broadway is about to get under way.

Work to transform Tolworth Broadway and Tolworth Roundabout is set to begin on 18 March 2013, with contractors due to start preparing the site from 11 March.

Designed to make life better for shoppers and traders, the improvement scheme includes the removal of the central reservation barrier along the Broadway to make way for a new path for pedestrians and cyclists.

The scheme also includes:

  • improved lighting and paving, trees and new benches
  • a 20 mph speed limit along the Broadway, new crossings and routes for cyclists and pedestrians
  • new loading bays for shops on both sides of the Broadway
  • new surface crossings without steps, which will improve access to shops, schools, green spaces recreation facilities and Tolworth Station
  • modified subways.

  • Funded by Kingston Council and Transport for London, the scheme will be phased over six months to minimise disruption as much as possible.


    what a crazy waste of money this is. the stupid person going on about muslim shops over n over though really needs to stay in marks n spencers and pipe down.
    This will do nothing to benefit tolworth. massive waste of money. kingston council are nuts, they should spend that 3 mill on sensible hardworking staff wages.

    why is it people lke "you" resort to name calling, so Im stupid because I dont agree wuith dominace of asian shops? you know what anonymous person sod off, if you cant debate withoput name calling dont bother debating.

    Anon v Anon,you could not make it up.

    My understanding was that this is primarily TfL money, and that the was funded because the main benefit is the creation of a proper segregated cycleway from south of the Tolworth roundabout to the Kingston side.

    When you consider that TfL haven't provided a single metre of tube, train or tram line in our borough since we joined Greater London in 1965, I'd say that we are entitled to whatever crumbs TfL give us. Rememebr - £3 Million isn't a lot from TfL's budget. Yes, it would be far better if they funded a tram line from south of Tolworth to Kingston, via Surbiton, but we've tried to get that before and TfL refused to pay up.

    As this is a TfL scheme, I've no doubt that there will be a fair bit of platinum level spend, and that the core benefits could be delivered more cheaply. I understand that a lot of the cost is goin on the coloured resin surface. I'm sure that the core benefits of the scheme would remain the same if ordinary tarmac was used.

    In the circumstances, however, we should take whatever derisory tranport improvements that we're offered, but still campaign harder to get proper train / tram / tube infrastructure in our borough.

    The person responsible for lobbying the mayor/TfL is our London Assembly Member, Tony Arbour. Don't hold your breath on him delivering any major improvements though - just listen to what he thinks about public transport here:

    The quicker we kick this dinosaur out the better.

    I feel this is a HUGE waste of money, you can change the pavements and put in pretty tress etc, but you wont change the people who live and work there, just look at state of the shops there, all along one side the Iceland side of the Braodway is mostly "asian" Muslim themed food shops, and the stench that comes from these shops as fruit and veg rots openly out on the pavements, the presentation of the fruit and veg on display is appauling, we have neon lights put up in windows saying "Halah" they use more and more of the public footpaths to promote thier shops contents, its looking just like southall high street these days, if you look to other side where the drinking bar is next to boots etc, all you see is ciggarette butts strewn all over pavements and broken glass and sick dried up, Kingston council do nothing to stop any of this at all.....its a disgusting place to shop, I try not to go there,its used to be lovely place to shop years ago... as I said you can change the features but you wont change the people.

    I agree I now hate walking past mini southall to get into M & S. how many takeaways selling junk food do we need, the smell, the lack of extraction is horrible. When I walk out of my house I can smell the kebabs 100;s yards away. The greenway may be a waste of money and will not change the nature of the shops.

    I agree that the project is a waste of money, but I think Tolworth will change eventually. It will take a long time, though.

    If the Waitrose/Pizza Express development actually happens that will be more benefit than this project, but the main factor is people being pushed out of Kingston and Surbiton by high houses prices.

    A few years ago, people would avoid Tolworth altogether - if they couldn't afford Surbiton, they'd start again down in Walton or wherever. Lately, I have seen quite a lot of people moving to Tolworth and being prepared to spend £500k for the priviledge of owning a 3 bed semi there.

    Yes, the Broadway is awful but you have still got quite a few roads of good houses rather than the area being dominated by flats like lots of Kingston and Surbiton are now. There is a zone 5 station that gets to Waterloo in half an hour and from parts of it you can walk to Surbiton station in 20 minutes.

    I could actually see Tolworth improving a lot, but what will hold it back is housing benefit and Universal Credit. People priced out of other areas might be prepared to pay handsomely for houses in Tolworth, but if people are already 'housed' in them there will not be enough available.

    iIs absurd people paying £500k for a 3 bed semi!!! What on earth do they people do for a living, own banks? so where do people like me who cant afford £500k houses go and live?, I already experianced this back in 1988 when I was priced out of fulham where I was born and grew up.... ended up in chessington renting for many years, house prices just keep souring, and now with huge influx of migrant workers rents are crazy prices, madness, we are paying such high rent when having a mortgage would be cheaper, but we cant save that deposit as our moneys going on rent all the time, viscious circle.

    I agree the main factor is being pushed out of Kingston and Surbiton too, that just so wrong, its splitting up familys and communities too in the process, sometimes, just hate this country....

    It might be absurd, but it is happening. The banks will lend many times a person's income these days and at tiny interest rates making massive mortgages affordable for anyone who wants to take the risk.

    This is what has pushed up the price of a similar semi in some parts of Surbiton to £800k and that has quickly had an impact on the cheaper surrounding areas.

    I totally agree. Small steps. I shop in the "Muslim" shops as Bloodaxe has christened them as they are great.
    The sooner Tesco give up on the Tolworth site. (just look at the rat infested, traffic choked New Malden store) and let Tolworth regenerate itself from within, the better for everyone.

    Yes I do know about tesco being rat infested,my husband used to deliver goods to that store (HGV) and filmed it... as for the "muslim" shops, whats else should I call them? its selling halah meat put into huge neon lights in windows after all.

    As for those "musilm" shops, Its not just Tescos with a rat problem...Ive seen and friends and family have seen rats in the back of the shops ! which was reported to council..... I hope the council did something about it!! The whole area is becoming a "different type o people " area, hence the shops popping up along the broadway. Its becoming to look like a inner city high street for shopping wise, I personally would not shop in them, food is of poor quality and fruit and veg is always just ready to eat or past its date, doesnt matter about what the buildings and roofs and trees all look like, as said before, wont change the people living there now, it will still be ruined, you'll see this eventually in a few years tiime.

    Do not recall making any mention of "Muslim" shops?

    My apols Bloodaxe, it as janieski.

    Until the "Tesco" site gets planning permission the whole area is blighted,tinkering about with "green" lanes etc in the middle of an all ready narrow road which links the A3M to Surbiton and Kingston is madness,there must be a free flow of goods and commuters and shoppers who can park before any thought of the benefits of the refurbishment will show.
    I have lived in Berrylands since 1986 and have never shopped on the Broadway apart from one visit to the M&S shop where my new car was severly damaged by a carlessly thrown open 4x4 door,puncturing the bodywork,never again.

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