Conservatives annnounce Kingston and Surbiton 2015 parliamentary candidate

A Harvard law graduate has been named as the Conservative party's parliamentary candidate for Kingston at the 2015 general election.

James Berry will challenge Edward Davey for his Kingston and Surbiton seat next year, hoping to end the Liberal Democrat's 17-year tenure as constituency MP. The qualified barrister's priorities include securing enough school places for children in the borough and promoting local businesses. Mr Berry was born in Canterbury in Kent but has lived in London for the past 12 years.

He studied law at University College London and Harvard Law School in the US - where he met his future wife on his first day of study. The couple married in August this year. As a barrister, he specialises in police and healthcare issues, and is editor of the UK Police Law Blog. High profile cases he has been involved in include last year's Leveson Inquiry into media ethics and the inquest of gunman Raoul Moat. The Conservatives are the last main party to announce its prospective parliamentary candidate for next year's election. The Labour party unveiled energy consultant Lee Godfrey as its election hopeful in November.

The Lib Dems reselected Mr Davey - who has held the seat since 1997 - without any fanfare in the summer.


As long as he is a real Tory and pro LHR runways,anti windfarms,anti the Eu and most of all scattering over £10 billion , and growing as the economy picks up,to the almost universally discredited 3rd world,let alone China,India , Brasil and Mexico that are rapidly becoming 1st world .

If he can remove the awful Ed Davey and launch a fracking revolution it would be sheer bliss,i fear howver that none of this will come to pass.

I seriously doubt they'd put someone who is pro-LHR expansion in this seat! That would be tantamounst to political suicide.

That is true and why would anyone want to grow the local economy and create many hundreds if not thousands of jobs for workers in leafy Surbiton

You mean jobs at Heathrow??

I think that is going to be a completely different subset of voters from the ones in Surbiton who are likely to get behind the Tories. The voters that they have got to try to attract are the nimby ones who are worried about increased air noise and pollution.

I don't think what too many of the people looking for ground staff jobs at an enlarged Heathrow would vote Tory whatever happens.

I'm having difficulty finding out anything about this James Berry.

Or his connection to Kingston & Surbiton.

Or anything local that he's ever been actively involved in.

If anybody knows of anything notable he's ever done in or for Kingston ( shopping doesn't count ), then please post below.

I think you should be prepared for tumbleweed passing by.

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