Suburban Ski Sunday

Alpine fun at St Marks down-Hill.

It was all done to raise money for The Shooting Star Children's Hospice and the organisers raised around £5,000 to look after terminally ill children and support their families.

The organisers put down a bit of plastic sheeting and safety netting. Cushions were spread out, crash barriers were lined up to keep the crowds at bay, the competitors strapped blocks of ice to their feet and "the games began."

Apart from the skiing competition some highly collectable items were auctioned off including a rather poorly stuffed reindeer that went for £45 as a man bid against himself without realising it.


No, Anonymous! Ease off!

This was just a bit of a lark. Top marks to Ed Davey for mucking in. As Sally Goodman says, just what a good MP SHOULD be doing, in support of local efforts. It's a real shame that you feel obliged to scoff, with your sarcastic "saintly whatsisname" remark.

Please try to focus on the essentials ... a lot of fun for those who had a go; & a terrific opportunity to raise money for the wonderful work of the children's hospice.

It would be pretty dire if our local MP, who, by the way, is our MP by virtue of the fact that he has the support of the MAJORITY of voters in K&S, were to be excluded from local charity events, in accordance with your rather silly, purist, notion. It's a cause for celebration, in my opinion, that our MP is always ready to support local initiatives - and doesn't mind if, like everybody else, he runs the risk of looking a bit silly!

Bit late to the party, but

> just a photo-shoot for the saintly whatisname MP

is a perfect example of the fickle electorate. Damned if they do, damned if don't. Who'd be an MP? Sheesh...

Surbiton Ski Sunday saw 100's of people get together on a sunny October morning to do something different, have fun, raise money for charity, spend some money in local shops (thanks to the lovely French Deli for opening early to provide much needed coffees and coissants!), make new friends and maybe even raise the profile of Surbiton as a pretty good place to live and work. Well done everyone involved!

So ...., locally elected MP and Councillors supporting a local charity event is now some sort of an offence...or..? against whom? .. Mr Anon, sad! Perhaps you'd prefer we don't attend Remembrance Sunday next week either or any other charity/public event in our area...?

BTW - this was not a Council event - it was a remarkable effort from a great group of talented individuals who put in loads of work on a voluntary basis - please don't even begin to attempt to spoil it for them or for the charity.

This was a wonderful event, pulled together by a disparate bunch of people who are the Homage de Fromage at the Lamb pub and most definitely non-political!! Ed Davey was a good sport in taking part and was simply doing what all good MPs should - supporting a local community charity event. I have only heard good feedback about the event and quite a few requests to do it again next year.

This was clearly just a photo-shoot for the saintly whatisname MP.

Clearly it was not! It was FUN. Surbiton needs more stuff like this - harmless, wonderful, creative silliness with the added bonus of raising money for charity.

errrr... no actually

it was to raise thousands of pounds to help the families of children with terminal illnesses, and make their lives a little easier at a horrific time for them.

if it was just a publicity stunt, there would have been much more straightforward ways to do it than a whole bunch of great local people ploughing their time, skills, energy and positivity into it in the months leading up to the event.

Maybe the Liberal councillors who attended might suggest that they put this event on for their council staff rather than spending £30k on a party down at The Rose as they did recently. It would be cheaper, raise money for charity and we could all have a good laugh!!!!!

Who needs Aspen when we already have Surbiton. Thanks to all for putting this show on the road. Ski jumping from Sainsburys car park ramp next ?

Good idea but what about the circular ramp at Tolworth tower for those seeking more of a challenge?

Absolutely Agree! This was a great event, loads of fun and the atmosphere just unbelievable!!!

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