Those Crazy Lib Dems !

18 years ago...

Just weeks after achieving the highest council tax in London, Kingston’s Lib Dem Administration is advertising yet another high paid ‘policy’ job.

The past year has already seen a total increase of over 400 non school staff, yet the Lib Dems are advertising for a ‘Policy and Strategy Manager’ in Children’s Services to be paid between £46k and £51k. With on-costs included, the total cost to the Council Tax payer of this one backroom policy job will be £68k !

The Strategy and Performance section, to which this job is headed, already has 35 staff. However, there are also numerous policy posts throughout council departments, which, according to the Council’s personnel department, are untraceable !

Anyone who wishes to vent their frustration about the above can contact this monkey:

Councillor Simon James
Bus. Phone: 020 8547 5141
